Welcome to Nocturne
A song for all night creatures.
There's nothing wrong with us. This is a place to celebrate the darkness; the monstrous, the off-beat, the authentic, and the bizarre. Nocturne is a place to highlight the dark side of speculative fiction and media. What you'll find here are discussions, book reviews, and articles about all things sci-fi and horror. We're concerned with the dark here, the underground, the overlooked, and the lesser-known contemporary media. As the site grows, I hope this will one day serve as not only a beacon for excellent dark fiction but also a platform for many voices to build and grow.

Eli LaChance
Nocturne editor and founder
Eli is a horror writer, book reviewer, MFA student, and unripe corpse. He lives in St. Louis with his wife, two cats (one demonic), and dog. His fiction has previously appeared in Medium Chill #5, and he's a two-time University of Missouri-St. Louis Mary Troy prize nominee. He is also a contributor at Channel-31.com and DestroytheBrain.com.

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